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    Your donations on Giving Tuesday December 3

    gave us a grand total of


    Every dollar is significant in helping us to keep our education programming healthy and strong


    We are eternally grateful for the remarkable outpouring of support, including from people who are not directly impacted by our programs. Your expression of a heartfelt belief in the vitality of our work has been nothing short of extrodinary

    "From your heart to the arts!"

  • As state arts funding is cut in Florida, we depend more and more on the generosity of individual gifts

    In just one day you can help us to continue our profound education programming


    Jackson Carney is the first student from Sarasota to participate in our

    THE BRIDGE Middle School workshop

    O SOLO ME O High School Solo Workshop

    THE SOLO Professional and adult solo development intensive and

    IN STUDIO our professional collaboration with Sarasota Contemporary Dance